Slide Notes

Typically I do not share slides because presentations visuals are not documents. However, here you’ll find links and resources from my most recent presentations.

OpSec for Educators at PDE Data Summit 2024

CISA: Four things you can do to keep yourself cyber safe
12 Easy Cyber Tips
Phishing: A Game of Deception video
FBI Guide to Romance Scams
Developing Personal OpSec Plans – You are a high-value target!

AI Session at SAS 2023

Bard and NotebookLM (Google)
ChatGPT (OpenAI)
Claude (Anthropic)

Boomy AI – Music
Pika – Text to Animation/Video

Teach AI Toolkit

Attention is All You Need – (Google Transformers Paper)

AI model GPT-3 (dis)informs us better than humans. Sci. Adv. 9, eadh 1850(2023).

Building High-level Features Using Large Scale Unsupervised Learning (Cat Paper)

ChatGPT 4 Test Performance

Critical Ignoring as a Core Competence for Digital Citizens. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 32(1), 81-88.

How AI Chatbots Work – The Guardian visual explainer

The Great AI Awaking – NY Times article on Google Translate – 2016